
直到永远 Time of My Life

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原名Time of My Life
主演科恩·德·格雷夫 / 曹颖

  A woman with a beautiful house in the suburbs, a loving husband and a baby girl wakes up seven years in the past with her previous boyfriend and a chance to do her life over.
   "Time of my Life" is based on the true story of Mario Verstraete, the young Belgian politician who was vehemently pleading for a law on euthanasia, until he was himself diagnosed with a very aggressive kind of Multiple Sclerosis. The film tells the story from the point of view of his best friend Thomas, who - as a doctor - is confronted with the most excruciating dilemma, whether or not to help his friend "to the emergency exit". The story starts in the magnificent eighties. With Mario and Thomas who are then already clearly friends for life. Lynn is the wild cat between them. The gang is never complete without Speck, the hopeless philosophy student who nearly always puts his foot in it. Mario marrying, becoming a father and divorcing, and eventually getting ill, having to renounce to his political career. As Mario's fight to legalise euthanasia becomes more and more personal, and as Belgium seems on his way to become the second country to pass this legislation, Thomas is torn between the loyalty to his friend, and the pledge to his parents to try and make Mario change his mind. 'Time of your life' talks about what happens in a country where for the first time in history people who suffer can decide on their own life or death. How about the fathers, mothers, children, partners and friends... How will they all deal with a young man who keeps on saying that it's not the quantity of life that matters, but the quality. What happens when people are asked卼o do the impossible.Time of my life is a heart-warming story about friendship. And about life.
   They were young and Thomas and Mario are friends for life. Lynn is the girl they both love, Speck the loose cannon who's the fourth wheel to their wagon. Mario is a fiercely ambitious and combative young man, with a loud mouth, and big theatrical plans for an exciting future, great in every way. Just when his political career is about to get under steam, he is suddenly diagnosed with MS. Thomas, who has become a doctor, is the silent hero of the story, who will have to witness the degradation of his best friend.
   At first, Mario is really courageous about it. He tries to take it all with courage under sense of humor that is his. But pretty soon he finds out the aggressive nature of his disease. Very early on he is clear on one thing: he plans to go on for as long as his body will carry him. And for as long as it's fun.
   When the fun ends somebody has to help him to the emergency exit. But is this the kind of question you can ask your best friend?
   Confronted with the prospect of a very slowly decaying body, and even worse a faltering mind, Mario starts his quest to try and get euthanasia out of the penal system.


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